"Getting together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success."
Henry Ford

Sergio Modenesi

The Mind
A co-founder of Ricable and creator of the brand, he is responsible for the technical and commercial side of the company. Each product has his signature design and engineering. He really enjoys handwork and prides himself on being able to fix everything. His passions? Family, friends and, of course, Hi-Fi.


Sara Cavraro

The Bossy
Co-founder of Ricable, she is the real soul of the company and directs every logistical and administrative aspect of the business. Always ready to help those in need, she combines natural gifts of organization and corporate management. Her greatest passion, besides work, is her family, with whom she spends much of her free time.


Davide Arcolin

The Hand
Precision and attention to detail the arrows to his bow, David is responsible for the production side of Ricable. His organizational and teaching skills make him ideal for training new recruits. A computer enthusiast since his Commodore 64 days, he alternates his passions with his family in his spare time.


Dario Caprai

The Communicator
An exceptional content creator, he is responsible for the marketing and social side of Ricable. When you read or see anything about us, he always has a hand in it. Passionate about books and movies, he also writes for a video game site in his spare time.


Elena Riboldazzi

The Organizer
Elena supports and "endures" the Bossy in business management. For this she would already be entitled to sainthood. Elena is the oil that makes the Ricable gear work well in back office management. When she is not working, she loves to be with her children and family.
